Show Notes & Links! (Links Are Pink!)
Air Date March 29, 2023
Comedy, Controversy, Tiki and Surf….
with Special Guests, Beachfront Vinny and JJ Hoeffner.
Learn the truth about, “The Billy Joel Conspiracy!”
A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule.
The genre of literature comprising such works.
Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty.
🚀 Special Thank You to Beachfront Vinny and JJ Hoeffner.
🛸 Extra Links! {Indie Spotlight} 🛸
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#DJTEA #MrAnnouncerMan #eclecticwonderland #Wdrt #Driftless #Audities #SpotOfTea #beachfrontvinny #JJHoeffner
#HarryBelafonte #DingDongDevils #TheHulaGirls #DonHo #TheVentures #AnnetteFunicello #FultonBurleyMellomenThurlRavenscroftWallyBoag #ElliottSmith #BillyJoel #MikeDelGuidice #TheNoiseNoodles #TheBranFlakes #therevelaires #Comedy #Tiki #Surf #Parody