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Work With Tea!

Hey there, you lovely human! Tammy here, but you can call me Tea. I've been obsessed with art since I was a wee little thing, and now I'm here to share my journey with you. Need some artwork for your album cover, poster, logo, social media post, webpage, or anything else? Look no further, my friend! I'm a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to creativity. Illustration, graphic design, photography, stop-motion animation, web design - you name it, I can do it! And guess what? I'm even expanding my skills to include AI. So, if you want some awesome options at a fair price, hit me up! Just click that button below, let me know what you are looking for, and let's get started. Can't wait to bring your vision to life!


A Little About Me


Welcome to my world of creation! I'm a dog mom and host of local radio show, but my passion for exploring different artistic mediums has been a part of my life for as long as can remember. It all started with a simple box of crayons and some office supplies, but as I delved into the realms of painting, playdough, and photography, my passion for art and design grew. My childhood was filled with visits to art galleries, The Art Institute Of Chicago, and dreams becoming an artist.

A bout of chicken pox at age six only fueled my artistic endeavors with new supplies to keep me occupied. The discovery of tools like Spirograph and Shrinky Dinks and experimenting with image transfer using silly putty and comics left an indelible mark on my creative mind. 

My passion for the arts has never wavered despite the ups and downs. I've delved into the design world, cherishing creativity's therapeutic power.


This journey has led me to unique opportunities, allowing me to explore various realms of art and design and collaborate with diverse industries. My work spans brand identity strategy, brand photography, web design, album cover design, event posters, papercraft, weddings/events (invitations and décor), art classes for kids, set design, medical illustrations, and design for medical and holistic healthcare environments, among many other creative ventures.


 I've dabbled in so many mediums and have worked in so many industries that I've lost count. But don't worry, my extensive experience and education have prepared me to create designs that will knock your socks off. Let's team up and make some magic happen!


Are you tired of boring and uninspired designs? Well, lucky for you, I'm here to save the day! With my years of experience in graphic design and print, Medical Illustrations, Window Design and Merchandising...{The List Is Long, and my story has taken many twists and turns}

I've reinvented myself more times than Madonna (okay, maybe not that many times, but you get the point). From medicine to paper crafts, I've done it all! 


Hey there, curious cat! Want to see what I've been up lately? Click that crayon icon and visit 

my Behance Portfolio. {it isn't complete; but it is recent.}

Recently, I've been focusing on enhancing my knowledge of digital media, I've found some exciting new courses that will help me improve my freelance skills and explore the realm of AI.


I'm currently working on a vibrant website to showcase my art. However, if you are a fan of this website and the quirky art, you have seen some of my work.  In the meantime, I'm eager to explore freelance opportunities and offer high-quality services at a reasonable price.


My ultimate goal is to collaborate with you to bring your unique vision to life. If you're unsure about your vision, I'm here to help you find your distinct brand identity!


I look forward to creating with you, 

Much Gratitude, 

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